
It is important that findings from research reach beyond publication paywalls and academic spheres and into the hands of those who can take action with what we find. Below, please find resources that are free, downloadable, and okay (read: I encourage you) to share!


Power Mapping for Participatory Teams

Participatory action research (PAR), and other participatory and community-based research methods, ask us to (re)consider how power and roles are distributed on our research teams. But there is little guidance on how to put this inquiry into action. One of the research teams I am on, the Affirming Ground Project, has explored on how PAR teams work together -- we found that shared values help 'power-diverse' teams navigate ambiguity and decision-making, and that making power explicit is vital in doing equitable work together.

We wanted to develop a tool that could help other PAR teams - and our own - (1) name our values, and (2) make power explicit on our team. We have piloted this tool with our original PAR team, as well as a second research team, using these teams' feedback to revise and improve upon the tool. You can find view and download our tools below.

Tools downloadable here

Paper accessible here (email for PDF).

Policy Briefs

Cultivating Community Among Young Adults in PSH - Policy Brief.pdf

How can permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs create supportive communities for young adults with histories of homelessness and housing instability?

A policy brief for youth & young adult housing programs & policymakers who influence youth and young adult housing opportunities. 

Choice-Centered Spaces - Policy Brief.pdf

What is the importance of choice in young adult PSH settings?

A policy brief for youth & young adult housing programs & policymakers who influence youth and young adult housing opportunities. 

Building Affirming Third Places - Policy Brief.pdf

How would young adults with histories of homelessness (re)imagine community spaces to meet their needs? 

A policy brief for youth & young adult programs, third places (community settings) developers, architects, & policymakers who influence public space.